Giving Tuesday
Support Ore Dock BotEco Center
After Thanksgiving comes Black Friday, then Cyber Monday... then Giving Tuesday! This year we're inviting you to donate towards the development of Ore Dock BotEco Center.
Marquette, Michigan's lower harbor on Lake Superior is home to an ore dock built in the early 1930's and decommissioned in the early 1970's. The dock extends 1000 feet into the lake and is currently not accessible to the public. Friends of Ore Dock BotEco Center (BotEco) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit working to transform this former industrial site into a community center with ecological education facilities, year-round indoor gardens, historical restoration and historical education facilities, and community spaces - all at no cost to taxpayers.
This fundraising campaign will provide 1-to-1 matching funds to apply for a grant to complete the detailed architectural design and engineering of Phase 1: Walk the Dock. Walk the Dock will include construction of a promenade around the dock (adding nearly 2000 feet of shoreline), a connector to shore, and a performing arts space at one end of the dock. If you're able to help us provide more matching funds, we can ask for more grant money. That means if you donate $50, BotEco can gain an additional $50 to match! The campaign ends soon, so don't miss the opportunity to make your generous donation stretch twice as far.
If you haven't seen it yet, we also invite you to check out our newly redesigned website, oredockboteco.org.